
Archive for the ‘Funny Wisdom’ Category

Don’t Get Carried Away

June 26, 2014 6 comments

In the serenity or bustle of life the leaves may be blown away by the slightest of a gentle breeze or the tempest of the strong winds. Many doctrines, news reports, beliefs and doubts will seek to promote themselves as masters of one’s life such that your trajectory in life is not determined by you but by the fears planted within one’s life course. In time the strongest of the leaves which is not fed wilts and the gentlest of the breeze will carry it away.

In life decide what you believe in and stand strong by your standards. Life is not always poetic and romantic in most cases it will prove to be filled with storms and obstacles not meant to urge you on but to wilt your attempt to greatness. Greatness is not the achievement of the impossible but the fulfillment of one’s potential. The fulfillment of one’s potential is not in the strength of one’s stance but in the connection to the roots that nourish your beliefs. Within each passing moment the world will change, new concoctions will be stirred and fed to the world but do not be swayed by the latest hint of wisdom that drowns a nation but be convinced by the truth that empowers the roots.

In you stay in life, the sun will increase its heat, the winter will bring a chill to occasions but stay strong, connected to your roots that nourish who you are. In the tempest of the moment do not be convinced by the argument but be convinced by the truth that has no doubt. If you do not stand or stay connected to your roots you will be carried away from that which was yours. Life will sway you into a breeze like a wilted leaf and your destiny will be decided by the will of the winds. Every gossip has its merit buts its standard may not be for your standing. Test all things never be indoctrinated by a small stream of water, it may have no eternal source but may just be a stream created from a bucket of water poured on the ground. Test the source of the water before you believe in its power to nourish you. True nourishment is not in the temporary but in the everlasting.

Don’t get carried away with every word that passes your way. Any journey must prove itself before it is taken. The wise know that the victory of the journey is not in arrival but in the map. Do not be swayed by that which has no plotting that you can see, or else you may be dumped in the ditches of life and never have a fighting chance. Find the map and see the alternative routes, you might one day in your journey need to change course. Know where you come from before you know where you are going, not every destiny is ripe with riches but where you come from sets the standard of what you must achieve in equality or beyond.

In time the word does change but let your roots be strong. Do not be carried away.

As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming;

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Look Beyond the Mirror

October 31, 2013 Leave a comment

Life tends to be a reflection of what we see or what we perceive. Depending on different aspects discussed in this article, then one can see the world or just one part of it. Our achievements then tend to be related to what we do with what we see in the mirror of life.

Any mirror that is before us has its properties and different aspects, however its view is limited to its position, cleanliness, shape, substance, size and the person looking into it. When one stands before the mirror your view of the world is through your eyes but also through what the mirror is able to show. A simple analogue is the review mirrors in a car, they will only show you as much as they can, depending on the same things noted (position, cleanliness, shape, substance, size, viewer) but does not mean they are showing you everything. So your decision in your driving might be correct or wrong, as they may be a blind side you don’t see, or the angle being used makes you think that the cars behind you are either slow or fast, or the mirrors can be so dirty you cannot make out how far any car is or even if it is there depending on the positioning of the mirror. This is the same in life.

In one way we see the world through people’s experiences or their presence. There is nothing wrong in that but then what we forget that these people are also just mirrors for which their reflection of the world is limited to their position in society, cleanliness of heart, shape in dealing with life, substance of things achieved, size of their ambitions and values. As much as their opinions are important, remember, beyond the mirror is a world full of many possibilities and even greater mirrors which can see even more.

In another way we tend to see the world through education, learning and programming. We are taught mathematics, history, languages, economics, sciences and arts of which these are mirrors which we then use to see the world. However we also must not forget that each of these subjects is but a limited mirror limited by the level of knowledge in discovery. In some cases the science is wrong, the history is biased, the languages are limited, the economics is not empowering, the mathematics is limiting and the arts is misleading. Education is good but it also is just a limited mirror. You must look beyond the mirror; some have gone beyond education to achieve great things.

Another mirror which we use is the mirror of headlines. Daily there is one headline or another which force us to rethink what we see in life. We hear rumors of wars and see evidence of it but this is not the full world this is but a part of it. When we are exposed to one set of news we tend to forget that they are other possible news that can exist or which can be made to exist. History makers are not people that live by headlines they are people that make the headlines. If you look through the headline mirror then be sure to be the one who is making the headlines.

The last mirror in this article but surely not the last mirror in existence is the emotions that we feel. Your emotions can be deceiving; the heart can be the greatest deceit of all, who knows what is in the heart? The thing is, sometimes your heart tells you to be angry in situations where you should not be, or to react in a situation where you should simply be responding. Some have quit their jobs, killed their spouses, robbed people, quit their dreams, married the wrong people, laughed when they should have kept quiet, spoke when they should have shouted, loved when they should have hated and the list goes on. Look beyond your emotions and you will achieve greater things.

Learn to look beyond the mirrors around you, you might just have more time than you thought you had or less time. Act quickly but there is an even greater mirror in life which is a secret to many. Which mirror is that you ask?
1Co 13:12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall fully know even as I also am fully known.

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