
Archive for April, 2010

Jane’s Love Apples

April 30, 2010 2 comments

Ever tried growing apples in a desert or sowing love in a person and getting the wrong fruit all together. Like it or not we all have things that make us tick. We have dreams and hope because these are the things we like. We have desires and Jane is no different.  Once in her travels she was given two apple seeds to grow. These seeds were special in that if you grow them and applied love the benefits, well, you would never be hungry again. As she walked in her travels she had to pass through a desert. The desert stretched for miles and miles so it seemed but on the horizon she could see good farming land. As you would have it she grew hungry and hungrier as she traveled, so she thought to herself, “let me grow one of the magic seeds. I will tend to it and give it lots of tender love and care. I will make the most beautiful garden out of it, and because of that I will settle here for a while or maybe for ever.” So she set out to prepare the garden with lots of expectation. She worked the whole day but the seed just would not sprout, after all magic seeds grow into a tree after one day. So she thought maybe she was doing it wrongly so she spent the whole night awake creating all these fancy ridges and contours around the seed garden, but still the seed would not sprout into the tree. So she thought maybe it’s the lack of water so she decided to cry in order for her to use her tears to make the seed sprout but it just would not sprout. She was now so hungry and desperate, what could she do.

Looking into the horizon she thought to herself, “It’s not so far, if I just strengthen myself for a while I can get there. There at least I know there is good land waiting for my seed and I can grow my garden and be fed.” She packed her things and off she went. Amazingly she got there and she still had enough strength left after all that crying. She put her last seed into the ground and gave it good tender care just as she had given the other seed in the desert. In not time at all the seed sprouted and the more she spent a minute with it the more it grew. Soon it was a tree and apples were coming out of it. “Whal she thought”, all I had to do was persevere for a few days and I would have planted two seeds instead of one.

Such is life, sometimes we settle for areas and people who are not the ideal for our seeds. We all have something to give in life but we need to find the right place to sow it into. If the seed and the ground are not compatible do not waste your time What you have belongs to a particular place of growth. You maybe in a desert at the moment but your farming land is not too far, do not settle in a desert when Jericho is around the corner. If you are farming in a desert no matter how much effort you put into it you will be frustrated and tired, because your seed will not germinate to what you want. Your Jericho might be a person, business, career or education, just do not give up.

Categories: Super Stories Tags: , ,

Chemicals of Love H2O

April 29, 2010 9 comments

It’s not surprising that people can date for seven years and break up or be married for twenty years with children and still have a divorce. The problem is not love it’s a simple case of misunderstanding nature. Flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone is not just a romantic statement but is a statement of chemical proportions. Hold on. In nature there are different substances made from different elements. We have pure elements, chemical substances, chemical compounds and of course mixtures.

The most natural and highest level of relationships have chemical affinity. This is when two elements join together such that the two lose their own properties to form a completely new substance altogether. These elements have a natural attraction such that their very basic atoms are attracted to each other. Let’s call this level, the Adam and Eve Level, because at this stage there is no such thing as dating being required, it is the most natural level. Some people are privileged enough to know this and wait for this moment in time when they can meet their element who is also attracted them. Unfortunately this level is not very common, forming only 7-8 percent of marriages in the whole world.

Some elements on the other hand have no natural affinity and require such intense heat and pressure to combine. In other words these need so much effort and work; hence the term let us work it out in most relationships. Normally they have no attraction between them or the attraction is weak but out of desire to be bonded to something they subject themselves to very high pressures and heat or cold.  Sometimes such chemicals can be highly unstable and volatile. Such relationships contain many compromises on both sides. The relationships can work but needs more effort. Let’s call this level the Jocob and Leah level. These relationships eventually have an attraction between the participating elements but it is never the real reason why they got together there is always another reason bugger than love. Well these are the majority of marriages so let’s give them a seventy percent existence.

Now on the lowest level are the mixtures. These are funny relationship but are very common also. Sometimes they result in marriage, staying together, dating and all that stuff. A mixture is a substance where there is no real chemical bond but just a getting together. The funniest things about mixtures are that they have no real proportions. Sometimes one substance increase more than the other at any time. Mixtures are easy to separate and see because you can still recognize their different elements. It’s like a sugar and water solution. When you mix water and sugar it looks like the sugar has disappeared but all you need to do is taste the solution and you can taste the sugar or water. They are two people who are together but are not one, they still possess their individualities. Mixtures obviously are a waste of time but anyway this is why we date, to mix and mingle and experiment to see if there is any affinity but we never really give of ourselves.

Three people asked me yesterday why they can never have a stable relationship well here is the answer, “the chemistry of love.” If you are in a relationship or marriage, if you really look hard enough (be honest at least) you will see that you fit into any three of these categories. if you are dating and you discover that you are not in 7-8 percent or that your relationship does not fit into the natural affinity level, here is my advice, RUN. If you are having second thoughts and you realize you are not in affinity, RUN. If you discover that you have to put a lot of work into this dating relationship its simple, RUN. If you notice that he or she has a tendency to slide away once there is a little cooling or heat I suggest you RUN.

Now if you are already married and you believe that your marriage is not based on the 7-8 percent level I suggest that you ….., well I cannot spoil PART 2.

Categories: Love Tags: , ,